
2014-15 Edition

Puglia Experience


The Apulia Film Commission  announces the public notice for “ Pugliexperience 2010”, an international workshop of writing for the cinema restricted to 16 scriptwriters.

Sixteen scriptwriters from the member countries of the European Union  and the Mediterranean will be the protagonists of “Pugliexperinece,” an itinerant workshop of cinema writing organized by the Apulia Film Commission promoted by The Apulia Region Board and financed by resources from the European Regional Development Funds( PO FESR Apulia 2007/2013)

Arriving at its second edition, the workshop will take place from October 3rd to 22nd 2010, pursuing on several fronts some of the objectives of The Apulia Film Commission from which it has defined and will define the lines of action. The most important of all:  concentrating on audio-visual training and on writing  within the territory. In this way Pugliaexperience has begun, The Apulia Region to be lived through  “hands on” experience   with places and people, faces and scenery that won’t fail to offer creative stimuli and inspiration  to its learners for the writing of inedited topics.

Run by director and scriptwriter Amedeo D’Adamo, founder of the Los Angeles Film School, assisted by the producer Nevina Satta, the workshop, entirely in English, will be articulated into classroom lessons, location scouting on the territory and a scripting and pitching laboratory. The participants will compare the Hollywood pitching technique, i.e. the art of showing one’s ideas in a fixed time, channelling as much as possible attention on the strongest points of the narration.

A unique experience to live, write and shoot. From The Gargano to Salento, the whole Apulia territory will become a cinema scriptwriting set, a privileged place to meet and discuss among  the different professions coming from heterogeneous countries and cultures.

During the final step, the learners will be offered a  precious chance to transform their own story from paper to the screen. At the end of the course, in fact the scriptwriters will meet directors and producers from the cinema and television sector to whom they will submit their scenarios.

The Foundation will choose one and will sign a contract for the acquirement of the copyright of the final elaboration, offering a concrete possibility of positioning it on the audio visual market of stories produced through the transformation of projects into cinematic works.

Participation forms can be presented until July 28th 2010. Scriptwriters for films for the cinema or television aged between eighteen and thirty-five years from member EU countries, from potential candidate EU countries and Mediterranean countries that possess the professional requirements set out in the public notice may apply. For candidates born or resident in Apulia up to a quarter of  the places have been reserved.

Selection will be carried out by the Foundation Apulia Film commission on the basis of a curriculum vitae, of a maximum of three pages, accompanied by a letter of motivation of a maximum of 2500 characters. Participation is free and for those not resident in Apulia transport charges are provided for by the Foundation. The full public notice is available on the website.

AAW 2010 Call

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